2023 epcf plenary meetings | EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS 2023

The European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) will take place on 28 November, at the European Parliament, in the context of the 2023 European Ceramic Days.

The European Ceramic Days is an annual event that brings together high-level representatives of the European Ceramic Industry with officials and policymakers from national and EU authorities. Every year we welcome high-level speakers and representatives from the European CommissionMember States and Members of the European Parliament, to discuss policy topics that directly impact the European ceramic industry.

The EPCF has hosted multiple debates and high-level meetings on various subjects of key importance to the ceramic industry, including climate policy, energy transition, trade policy, decarbonisation and the role of electrification, circular economy, etc. During the 27th Plenary Meeting held on 16 November 2021, the EPCF focused on the decarbonisation of Ceramics under the “Fit for 55” package and on the need for access to sustainable finance under the Green Taxonomy Regulation.

As illustrated in the Ceramic Roadmap to 2050: Continuing our Path to Climate Neutrality published in November of 2021, the European Ceramic Industry plays an important role in the implementation of the Green Deal throughout its numerous and strategic value chains and thanks to its global champions (mostly SMEs) providing over 200.000 direct local jobs in virtually all EU Member States.

On the occasion of the 2023 European Ceramic DaysCerame-Unie will launch its Ceramic Manifesto for the European elections for the 2024-2029 EU institutional mandate.

Please find below the description of the EPCF plenary meetings:

EPCF Panel 1: "Common Challenges between Artisanal and Industrial Ceramics" | 15:10-16:15

Moderator: MEP Elisabetta Gualmini

  • Felix Rohn, Policy Officer, DG EMPL, European Commission

  • Xavier Morant Verdejo, President, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation of Cities of Ceramics (AEuCC), Deputy Mayor of Manises

  • Massimo Isola, President, Italian Association Cities of Ceramics (AiCC), Mayor of Faenza

  • Véronique Willems, Secretary General, SME United

  • Marcelo Sousa, President of FEPF - European Federation of Ceramic Table and Ornamentalware; Director General, Matceramica

EPCF Panel 2: " Sustainable and energy transition in the EU construction sector" | 16:15 – 17:15

Moderator: MEP Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero

  • MEP Marcos Ros Sempere, ENVI & ITRE Member, European Parliament

  • Philippe Moseley, Policy Officer, Construction Unit, DG GROW European Commission

  • Dirk-Jan Simons, Senior sustainability, environmental & spatial consultant; Partner LBP-SIGHT

  • Murray Rattana-Ngam, President of TBE - Tiles and Bricks Europe; Managing Director, Ziegelwerk Bellenberg Wiest GmbH

EPCF Panel 3: " Implementation of the FitFor55 Package" | 17:15 – 18:15

Moderator: MEP Maria Da Graça Carvalho

  • MEP Adam Jarubas (tbc), ENVI member, European Parliament

  • Miguel Castroviejo Bolibar, Environmental Advisor – Coordinator, Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU

  • Beatriz Yordi, Director, DG CLIMA, European Commission

  • Christian Meyre, President, PRE - European Refractories Producers Federation; Managing Director, Refratechnik Cement

  • Jose Luis Lanuza, Vice-President, CET - European Ceramic Tiles Manufacturers Federation; CEO, Victoria Ceramics

For more detailed information, please consult the full Programme.

If you are a CU Member or interested in participating, please contact the CU Secretariat to secure your registration (events@cerameunie.eu).

Registrations are subject to confirmationPlease note that attendance to the Public Events of the 23ECD (EPCF Plenary Meetings & CU Public Conference) is limited to the capacity of the venues. Priority will be given to Cerame-Unie Members, MEPs, and EU Officials