In the context of the European Ceramic Days organised annually in Brussels, MEP Rodríguez-Piñero hosted the joint EP Ceramics Forum-Cerame-Unie dinner debate on Tuesday 21 November. This annual event provided an opportunity for ceramic representatives, policymakers and other stakeholders to discuss important issues under debate in the EU institutions.  

The EPCF-CU dinner debate theme was “Looking ahead: International challenges and opportunities for the European ceramic industry”.  Interventions and Q&A sessions covered industrial policy, trade, energy & climate and consumer protection. 

Keynote speakers:

Alain Delcourt, Cerame-Unie President

Kalin Tomov, Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Perm Rep of Bulgaria

MEP Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero, (S&D, INTA)


Dinner interventions:

Deputy Director General Joost Korte, European Commission, DG Trade

Jörgen Talkop, Counsellor for Environmental Affairs, Perm Rep of Estonia

MEP Dita Charanzová, (ALDE, IMCO)